This is all true. GMOS are everywhere. And many food companies that appear to be rivals are actually owned by the same company, which makes it hard to separate out true food. (Explained more here: GMO Free USA) But what does one do if one is poor and those cheap, high in GMO foods are all there is??
I wish I knew. I tried to find a way and haven't succeeded yet. Framers Markets are very limited in my area and often the local farmers charge above and beyond my budget when purchased from them directly. If you are like me, in the same boat, doesn't despair if you, like me, end up buying a GMO food or starve to death.
How? Isn't that what the horrible Monsanto and others want?
Yes that is what they want. However NEVER EVER let that stop you from fighting for more affordable organic food. Never let that stop you from explaining to farmers that if you only have a few bucks to your name, that there has to be a way to buy fresh food from them. Bargain, deal, barter...you get the idea. In my area the only way to get the council to extend the farmers market to more than a few days a year is to get the local growers to understand the need to beg more fresh foods to more people.
Till the fight grows and those that are against GMOS win, there will be too many poor people in my town given money for places like Dollar Tree for food, instead of the farms.
And once again, many foods in stores are all the same....